#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2014 wkhtmltopdf authors # # This file is part of wkhtmltopdf. # # wkhtmltopdf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # wkhtmltopdf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with wkhtmltopdf. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURATION PROJECT_SETUP = { 'name': 'wkhtmltox', 'description': 'convert HTML to PDF and various image formats using QtWebkit', 'license': 'LGPLv3', 'maintainer': 'Ashish Kulkarni ', 'url': 'http://wkhtmltopdf.org/' } BUILDERS = { 'source-tarball': 'source_tarball', 'msvc2013-win32': 'msvc', 'msvc2013-win64': 'msvc', 'setup-mingw-w64': 'setup_mingw_w64', 'setup-schroot-generic': 'setup_schroot', 'setup-schroot-centos7': 'setup_schroot', 'setup-schroot-wheezy': 'setup_schroot', 'setup-schroot-jessie': 'setup_schroot', 'setup-schroot-trusty': 'setup_schroot', 'setup-schroot-precise': 'setup_schroot', 'update-all-schroots': 'update_schroot', 'linux-generic-i386': 'linux_generic', 'linux-generic-amd64': 'linux_generic', 'centos7-amd64': 'linux_schroot', 'wheezy-i386': 'linux_schroot', 'wheezy-amd64': 'linux_schroot', 'jessie-i386': 'linux_schroot', 'jessie-amd64': 'linux_schroot', 'trusty-i386': 'linux_schroot', 'trusty-amd64': 'linux_schroot', 'precise-i386': 'linux_schroot', 'precise-amd64': 'linux_schroot', 'mingw-w64-cross-win32': 'mingw64_cross', 'mingw-w64-cross-win64': 'mingw64_cross', 'posix-local': 'posix_local', 'osx-cocoa-x86-64': 'osx', 'osx-carbon-i386': 'osx' } QT_CONFIG = { 'common' : [ '-opensource', '-confirm-license', '-fast', '-release', '-static', '-graphicssystem raster', '-webkit', '-exceptions', # required by XmlPatterns '-xmlpatterns', # required for TOC support '-system-zlib', '-system-libpng', '-system-libjpeg', '-no-libmng', '-no-libtiff', '-no-accessibility', '-no-stl', '-no-qt3support', '-no-phonon', '-no-phonon-backend', '-no-opengl', '-no-declarative', '-no-script', '-no-scripttools', '-no-sql-ibase', '-no-sql-mysql', '-no-sql-odbc', '-no-sql-psql', '-no-sql-sqlite', '-no-sql-sqlite2', '-no-mmx', '-no-3dnow', '-no-sse', '-no-sse2', '-no-multimedia', '-nomake demos', '-nomake docs', '-nomake examples', '-nomake tools', '-nomake tests', '-nomake translations' ], 'msvc': [ '-mp', '-qt-style-windows', '-qt-style-cleanlooks', '-no-style-windowsxp', '-no-style-windowsvista', '-no-style-plastique', '-no-style-motif', '-no-style-cde', '-openssl-linked' # static linkage for OpenSSL ], 'posix': [ '-silent', # perform a silent build '-xrender', # xrender support is required '-largefile', '-iconv', # iconv support is required for text codecs '-openssl', # load OpenSSL binaries at runtime '-no-javascript-jit', # can cause crashes/excess memory usage '-no-rpath', '-no-dbus', '-no-nis', '-no-cups', '-no-pch', '-no-gtkstyle', '-no-nas-sound', '-no-sm', '-no-xshape', '-no-xinerama', '-no-xcursor', '-no-xfixes', '-no-xrandr', '-no-mitshm', '-no-xinput', '-no-xkb', '-no-glib', '-no-gstreamer', '-no-icu', '-no-openvg', '-no-xsync', '-no-audio-backend', '-no-sse3', '-no-ssse3', '-no-sse4.1', '-no-sse4.2', '-no-avx', '-no-neon' ], 'mingw-w64-cross' : [ '-silent', # perform a silent build '-openssl-linked', # static linkage for OpenSSL '-no-reduce-exports', '-no-rpath', '-xplatform win32-g++-4.6' ], 'osx': [ '-silent', # perform a silent build '-no-framework', '-no-dwarf2', '-xrender', # xrender support is required '-openssl', # load OpenSSL binaries at runtime '-largefile', '-no-rpath' ] } LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP = { 'wheezy': { 'title' : 'Debian Wheezy', 'packaging_tool' : 'apt', 'build_arch' : ['amd64', 'i386'], 'compression' : 'xz', 'runtime_packages' : 'libc6 libstdc++6 zlib1g libpng12-0 libjpeg62 '\ 'libssl1.0.0 libfreetype6 libicu48 fontconfig '\ 'libx11-6 libxext6 libxrender1 libxcb1 xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi', 'build_packages' : 'xz-utils ruby python perl gperf bison flex git '\ 'zlib1g-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev libssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libicu-dev libfontconfig1-dev '\ 'libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libxcb1-dev', 'debootstrap' : ('wheezy', 'http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/', """ deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main contrib non-free deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main contrib non-free""") }, 'jessie': { 'title' : 'Debian Jessie', 'packaging_tool' : 'apt', 'build_arch' : ['amd64', 'i386'], 'compression' : 'xz', 'runtime_packages' : 'libc6 libstdc++6 zlib1g libpng12-0 libjpeg62-turbo '\ 'libssl1.0.0 libfreetype6 libicu52 fontconfig '\ 'libx11-6 libxext6 libxrender1 libxcb1 xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi', 'build_packages' : 'xz-utils ruby python perl gperf bison flex git '\ 'zlib1g-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libicu-dev libfontconfig1-dev '\ 'libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libxcb1-dev', 'debootstrap' : ('jessie', 'http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/', """ deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free""") }, 'trusty': { 'title' : 'Ubuntu Trusty', 'packaging_tool' : 'apt', 'build_arch' : ['amd64', 'i386'], 'compression' : 'xz', 'runtime_packages' : 'libc6 libstdc++6 zlib1g libpng12-0 libjpeg-turbo8 '\ 'libssl1.0.0 libfreetype6 libicu52 fontconfig '\ 'libx11-6 libxext6 libxrender1 libxcb1 xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi', 'build_packages' : 'xz-utils ruby python perl gperf bison flex git '\ 'zlib1g-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg-turbo8-dev libssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libicu-dev libfontconfig1-dev '\ 'libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libxcb1-dev', 'debootstrap' : ('trusty', 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', """ deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted universe multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse""") }, 'precise': { 'title' : 'Ubuntu Precise', 'packaging_tool' : 'apt', 'build_arch' : ['amd64', 'i386'], 'compression' : 'xz', 'runtime_packages' : 'libc6 libstdc++6 zlib1g libpng12-0 libjpeg-turbo8 '\ 'libssl1.0.0 libfreetype6 libicu48 fontconfig '\ 'libx11-6 libxext6 libxrender1 libxcb1 xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi', 'build_packages' : 'xz-utils ruby python perl gperf bison flex git '\ 'zlib1g-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg-turbo8-dev libssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libicu-dev libfontconfig1-dev '\ 'libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libxcb1-dev', 'debootstrap' : ('precise', 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', """ deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted universe multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security main restricted universe multiverse""") }, 'generic': { 'title' : 'Generic (based on CentOS 6)', 'packaging_tool' : 'yum', 'build_arch' : ['amd64', 'i386'], 'compression' : 'bzip2', 'wrapper_command' : 'scl enable devtoolset-3 python27 -- ', 'runtime_packages' : 'glibc libstdc++ zlib openssl freetype fontconfig '\ 'libX11 libXext libXrender xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi', 'build_packages' : 'scl-utils devtoolset-3-gcc-c++ python27 ruby perl git make gzip diffutils gperf bison flex '\ 'zlib-devel openssl-devel freetype-devel fontconfig-devel '\ 'libX11-devel libXrender-devel libXext-devel', 'rinse' : ('centos-6', """ [slc6-scl] name=Scientific Linux CERN (SLC6) - SCL addons baseurl=http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/cern/scl/slc6X/$basearch/yum/scl/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 """)}, 'centos7': { 'title' : 'CentOS 7', 'packaging_tool' : 'yum', 'build_arch' : ['amd64'], 'compression' : 'xz', 'runtime_packages' : 'glibc libstdc++ zlib libpng libjpeg openssl freetype icu fontconfig '\ 'libX11 libXext libXrender xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi', 'build_packages' : 'gcc gcc-c++ binutils python ruby perl git make diffutils gperf bison flex '\ 'zlib-devel libpng-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel openssl-devel freetype-devel libicu-devel fontconfig-devel '\ 'libX11-devel libXrender-devel libXext-devel', 'rinse' : ('centos-7', '') } } DEPENDENT_LIBS = { 'openssl': { 'order' : 1, 'url' : 'https://openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2e.tar.gz', 'sha1' : '2c5691496761cb18f98476eefa4d35c835448fb6', 'build' : { 'msvc*-win32*': { 'result': ['include/openssl/ssl.h', 'lib/ssleay32.lib', 'lib/libeay32.lib'], 'replace': [('util/pl/VC-32.pl', ' /MT', ' %(cflags)s')], 'commands': [ 'perl Configure --openssldir=%(destdir)s VC-WIN32 no-asm', 'ms\\do_ms.bat', 'nmake /f ms\\nt.mak install'], }, 'msvc*-win64*': { 'result': ['include/openssl/ssl.h', 'lib/ssleay32.lib', 'lib/libeay32.lib'], 'replace': [('util/pl/VC-32.pl', ' /MT', ' %(cflags)s')], 'commands': [ 'perl Configure --openssldir=%(destdir)s VC-WIN64A', 'ms\\do_win64a.bat', 'nmake /f ms\\nt.mak install'] }, 'mingw-w64-cross-win*': { 'result': ['include/openssl/ssl.h', 'lib/libssl.a', 'lib/libcrypto.a'], 'commands': [ 'perl Configure --openssldir=%(destdir)s --cross-compile-prefix=%(mingw_w64)s- no-shared no-asm mingw64', 'make', 'make install_sw'] } } }, 'zlib': { 'order' : 2, 'url' : 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/libpng/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz', 'sha1' : 'a4d316c404ff54ca545ea71a27af7dbc29817088', 'build' : { 'msvc*': { 'result': { 'include/zlib.h' : 'zlib.h', 'include/zconf.h': 'zconf.h', 'lib/zdll.lib' : 'zlib.lib' }, 'replace': [('win32/Makefile.msc', '-MD', '%(cflags)s')], 'commands': ['nmake /f win32/Makefile.msc zlib.lib'] }, 'mingw-w64-cross-win*': { 'result': { 'include/zlib.h' : 'zlib.h', 'include/zconf.h': 'zconf.h', 'lib/libz.a' : 'libz.a' }, 'replace': [('win32/Makefile.gcc', 'PREFIX =', 'PREFIX = %(mingw_w64)s-')], 'commands': ['make -f win32/Makefile.gcc'] } } }, 'libpng': { 'order' : 3, 'url' : 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/libpng/libpng-1.2.56.tar.gz', 'sha1': '9619a20e1bfc34edfbc4931a632a2d6a2c8a9fbc', 'build' : { 'msvc*': { 'result': { 'include/png.h' : 'png.h', 'include/pngconf.h' : 'pngconf.h', 'lib/libpng.lib' : 'libpng.lib' }, 'replace': [ ('scripts/makefile.vcwin32', '-I..\\zlib', '-I..\\deplibs\\include'), ('scripts/makefile.vcwin32', '..\\zlib\\zlib.lib', '..\\deplibs\\lib\\zdll.lib'), ('scripts/makefile.vcwin32', '-MD', '%(cflags)s')], 'commands': ['nmake /f scripts/makefile.vcwin32 libpng.lib'] }, 'mingw-w64-cross-win*': { 'result': { 'include/png.h' : 'png.h', 'include/pngconf.h' : 'pngconf.h', 'lib/libpng.a' : 'libpng.a' }, 'replace': [ ('scripts/makefile.gcc', 'ZLIBINC = ../zlib', 'ZLIBINC = %(destdir)s/include'), ('scripts/makefile.gcc', 'ZLIBLIB = ../zlib', 'ZLIBLIB = %(destdir)s/lib'), ('scripts/makefile.gcc', 'CC = gcc', 'CC = %(mingw_w64)s-gcc'), ('scripts/makefile.gcc', 'AR_RC = ar', 'AR_RC = %(mingw_w64)s-ar'), ('scripts/makefile.gcc', 'RANLIB = ranlib', 'RANLIB = %(mingw_w64)s-ranlib')], 'commands': ['make -f scripts/makefile.gcc libpng.a'] }, 'osx-carbon-i386': { 'result': ['include/png.h', 'include/pngconf.h', 'lib/libpng.a'], 'commands': [ 'CFLAGS="-arch i386" ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make install'] }, 'osx-cocoa-x86-64': { 'result': ['include/png.h', 'include/pngconf.h', 'lib/libpng.a'], 'commands': [ 'CFLAGS="-arch x86_64" ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make install'] }, 'linux-generic-*': { 'result': ['include/png.h', 'include/pngconf.h', 'lib/libpng.a'], 'commands': [ 'CFLAGS="-fPIC" ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make install'] } } }, 'libjpeg': { 'order' : 4, 'url' : 'http://ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v9b.tar.gz', 'sha1': '15dd867617a88abd07573e06a86ace9bdb998ac2', 'build' : { 'msvc*': { 'result': { 'include/jpeglib.h' : 'jpeglib.h', 'include/jmorecfg.h': 'jmorecfg.h', 'include/jerror.h' : 'jerror.h', 'include/jconfig.h' : 'jconfig.h', 'lib/libjpeg.lib' : 'libjpeg.lib' }, 'replace': [('makefile.vc', '!include ', ''), ('makefile.vc', '$(cc)', 'cl'), ('makefile.vc', '$(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cvars)', '-c -nologo -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE %(cflags)s -O2 -W3')], 'commands': [ 'copy /y jconfig.vc jconfig.h', 'nmake /f makefile.vc libjpeg.lib'] }, 'mingw-w64-cross-win*': { 'result': ['include/jpeglib.h', 'include/jmorecfg.h', 'include/jerror.h', 'include/jconfig.h', 'lib/libjpeg.a'], 'commands': [ './configure --host=%(mingw_w64)s --disable-shared --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make install'] }, 'osx-carbon-i386': { 'result': ['include/jpeglib.h', 'include/jmorecfg.h', 'include/jerror.h', 'include/jconfig.h', 'lib/libjpeg.a'], 'commands': [ 'CFLAGS="-arch i386" ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make install'] }, 'osx-cocoa-x86-64': { 'result': ['include/jpeglib.h', 'include/jmorecfg.h', 'include/jerror.h', 'include/jconfig.h', 'lib/libjpeg.a'], 'commands': [ 'CFLAGS="-arch x86_64" ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make install'] }, 'linux-generic-*': { 'result': ['include/jpeglib.h', 'include/jmorecfg.h', 'include/jerror.h', 'include/jconfig.h', 'lib/libjpeg.a'], 'commands': [ 'CFLAGS="-fPIC" ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make install'] } } }, 'xz': { 'order' : 5, 'url' : 'http://tukaani.org/xz/xz-5.2.2.tar.gz', 'sha1': '14663612422ab61386673be78fbb2556f50a1f08', 'build' : { 'osx*': { 'result': ['bin/xz'], 'commands': [ 'CFLAGS="-arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" ./configure --disable-nls --enable-small --disable-shared --disable-threads --prefix=%(destdir)s', 'make -C src/liblzma', 'make -C src/xz', 'make install-strip'] } } } } EXCLUDE_SRC_TARBALL = [ 'qt/config.profiles*', 'qt/demos*', 'qt/dist*', 'qt/doc*', 'qt/examples*', 'qt/imports*', 'qt/templates*', 'qt/tests*', 'qt/translations*', 'qt/util*', 'qt/lib/fonts*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/*ChangeLog*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/ce-compat*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/clucene*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/fonts*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/freetype*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/javascriptcore*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/libgq*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/libmng*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/libtiff*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/patches*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/phonon*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/pixman*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/powervr*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/ptmalloc*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/s60*', 'qt/src/3rdparty/wayland*' ] # --------------------------------------------------------------- HELPERS import os, sys, platform, subprocess, shutil, re, fnmatch, multiprocessing, urllib, hashlib, tarfile from os.path import exists if platform.system() == 'Windows': try: import winreg except ImportError: import _winreg as winreg CPU_COUNT = max(2, multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1) # leave one CPU free else: CPU_COUNT = max(2, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) def rchop(s, e): if s.endswith(e): return s[:-len(e)] return s def message(msg): sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() def error(msg): message(msg+'\n') sys.exit(1) def shell(cmd): ret = os.system(cmd) if ret != 0: error("%s\ncommand failed: exit code %d" % (cmd, ret)) def chroot_shell(name, cmd): distro = get_chroot_list().get(name) wrapper = LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP.get(distro, {}).get('wrapper_command', '') ret = os.system('schroot -c wkhtmltox-%s -- %s%s ' % (name, wrapper, cmd)) if ret != 0: error("command inside chroot failed: exit code %d" % ret) def get_output(*cmd): try: return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).strip() except: return None def rmdir(path): if exists(path): if platform.system() == 'Windows': shell('attrib -R %s\* /S' % path) shutil.rmtree(path) def mkdir_p(path): if not exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def get_registry_value(key, value=None): for mask in [0, winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY, winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY]: try: reg_key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 0, winreg.KEY_READ | mask) return winreg.QueryValueEx(reg_key, value)[0] except WindowsError: pass return None def get_version(basedir): mkdir_p(basedir) text = open(os.path.join(basedir, '..', 'VERSION'), 'r').read() if '-' not in text: return (text, text) version = text[:text.index('-')] os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, '..')) hash = get_output('git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD') if not hash: return (text, version) return ('%s-%s' % (text, hash), version) def nsis_version(ver): while ver.count('.') < 3: ver += '.0' return ver def qt_config(key, *opts): input, output = [], [] input.extend(QT_CONFIG['common']) input.extend(QT_CONFIG[key]) input.extend(opts) cfg = os.environ.get('WKHTMLTOX_QT_CONFIG') if cfg: input.extend(cfg.split()) for arg in input: if not arg.startswith('remove:-'): output.append(arg) elif arg[1+arg.index(':'):] in output: output.remove(arg[1+arg.index(':'):]) return ' '.join(output) def fpm_params(cfg, ver): setup = LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP[cfg[:cfg.index('-')]] output = '--force --prefix /usr/local --category utils -s dir -C dist' for key in PROJECT_SETUP: output += ' --%s "%s"' % (key, PROJECT_SETUP[key]) output += ' --version "%s"' % ver output += ' --package ../%s-%s_linux-%s' % (PROJECT_SETUP['name'], ver, cfg) if setup['packaging_tool'] == 'apt': output += '.deb -t deb --deb-compression %s' % setup['compression'] output += ' --provides wkhtmltopdf --conflicts wkhtmltopdf --replaces wkhtmltopdf' elif setup['packaging_tool'] == 'yum': output += '.rpm -t rpm --rpm-compression %s --epoch 1' % setup['compression'] for depend in setup['runtime_packages'].split(): output += ' --depends %s' % depend output += ' .' return output def download_file(url, sha1, dir): name = url.split('/')[-1] loc = os.path.join(dir, name) if os.path.exists(loc): hash = hashlib.sha1(open(loc, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if hash == sha1: return loc os.remove(loc) message('Checksum mismatch for %s, re-downloading.\n' % name) def hook(cnt, bs, total): pct = int(cnt*bs*100/total) message("\rDownloading: %s [%d%%]" % (name, pct)) urllib.urlretrieve(url, loc, reporthook=hook) message("\r") hash = hashlib.sha1(open(loc, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if hash != sha1: os.remove(loc) error('Checksum mismatch for %s, aborting.' % name) message("\rDownloaded: %s [checksum OK]\n" % name) return loc def download_tarball(url, sha1, dir, name): loc = download_file(url, sha1, dir) tar = tarfile.open(loc) sub = tar.getnames()[0] if '/' in sub: sub = sub[:sub.index('/')] src = os.path.join(dir, sub) tgt = os.path.join(dir, name) rmdir(src) tar.extractall(dir) rmdir(tgt) os.rename(src, tgt) return tgt def _is_compiled(dst, loc): present = True for name in loc['result']: if isinstance(name, tuple): present = present and bool([n for n in name if exists(os.path.join(dst, n))]) else: present = present and exists(os.path.join(dst, name)) return present def build_deplibs(config, basedir, **kwargs): mkdir_p(os.path.join(basedir, config)) dstdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'deplibs') vars = {'destdir': dstdir } vars.update(kwargs) for lib in sorted(DEPENDENT_LIBS, key=lambda x: DEPENDENT_LIBS[x]['order']): cfg = None for key in DEPENDENT_LIBS[lib]['build']: if fnmatch.fnmatch(config, key): cfg = key if not cfg or _is_compiled(dstdir, DEPENDENT_LIBS[lib]['build'][cfg]): continue build_cfg = DEPENDENT_LIBS[lib]['build'][cfg] message('========== building: %s\n' % lib) srcdir = download_tarball(DEPENDENT_LIBS[lib]['url'], DEPENDENT_LIBS[lib]['sha1'], basedir, os.path.join(config, lib)) for location, source, target in build_cfg.get('replace', []): data = open(os.path.join(srcdir, location), 'r').read() open(os.path.join(srcdir, location), 'w').write(data.replace(source, target % vars)) os.chdir(srcdir) for command in build_cfg['commands']: shell(command % vars) if not type(build_cfg['result']) is list: for target in build_cfg['result']: mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(dstdir, target))) shutil.copy(build_cfg['result'][target], os.path.join(dstdir, target)) os.chdir(dstdir) if not _is_compiled(dstdir, build_cfg): error("Unable to compile %s for your system, aborting." % lib) rmdir(srcdir) def build_qt(qtdir, make_cmd, configure_cmd): configured = '' if exists(os.path.join(qtdir, 'configured')): configured = open(os.path.join(qtdir, 'configured'), 'r').read() if not 'qt' in configured or not exists(qtdir): mkdir_p(qtdir) os.chdir(qtdir) shell(configure_cmd) open(os.path.join(qtdir, 'configured'), 'a').write('qt\n') os.chdir(qtdir) shell(make_cmd) def check_running_on_debian(): if not sys.platform.startswith('linux') or not exists('/etc/apt/sources.list') or platform.architecture()[0] != '64bit': error('This can only be run on a 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu distribution, aborting.') if os.geteuid() != 0: error('This script must be run as root.') def install_packages(*names): inst = get_output('dpkg-query', '--show', '--showformat', '${Package}\n').split('\n') miss = [name for name in names if name not in inst] if miss: shell('apt-get update') shell('apt-get install --assume-yes %s' % (' '.join(miss))) def get_chroot_list(): prefix = 'chroot:wkhtmltox-' result = {} for line in get_output('schroot', '--list').split('\n'): if not line.startswith(prefix): continue name = line[len(prefix):] for distro in LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP: if 'chroot_alias' in LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP[distro]: if name == LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP[distro]['chroot_alias']: result[name] = distro continue for arch in LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP[distro]['build_arch']: if name == '%s-%s' % (distro, arch): result[name] = distro return result # --------------------------------------------------------------- Linux chroot def check_setup_schroot(config): check_running_on_debian() login = os.environ.get('SUDO_USER') or get_output('logname') if not login or login == 'root': error('Unable to determine the login for which schroot access is to be given.') def build_setup_schroot(config, basedir): install_packages('git', 'debootstrap', 'schroot', 'rinse', 'debian-archive-keyring', 'build-essential', 'ruby', 'ruby-dev', 'libffi-dev', 'tar', 'xz-utils') if not get_output('which', 'fpm'): shell('gem install -V fpm -N') login = os.environ.get('SUDO_USER') or get_output('logname') target = config.split('-', 2)[2] distro = LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP.get(target) allenv = get_chroot_list() for arch in distro['build_arch']: alias = distro.get('chroot_alias', '%s-%s' % (target, arch)) base_dir = os.environ.get('WKHTMLTOX_CHROOT') or '/var/chroot' root_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'wkhtmltox-%s' % alias) pkg_list = '%s %s' % (distro['build_packages'], distro.get('runtime_packages', '')) chroot = (arch == 'i386' and 'linux32 chroot' or 'chroot') if alias in allenv: message('******************* %s (skipped)\n' % alias) continue message('******************* %s\n' % alias) os.system('umount %s/proc 2>/dev/null' % root_dir) os.system('umount %s/sys 2>/dev/null' % root_dir) rmdir(root_dir) mkdir_p(root_dir) def do_setup(*cmds): shell('mount -t proc proc %s/proc' % root_dir) shell('mount -t sysfs sysfs %s/sys' % root_dir) for cmd in cmds: shell('%s %s %s' % (chroot, root_dir, cmd)) shell('umount %s/proc' % root_dir) shell('umount %s/sys' % root_dir) if distro['packaging_tool'] == 'apt': cfg = distro['debootstrap'] shell('debootstrap --arch=%s --variant=buildd %s %s %s' % (arch, cfg[0], root_dir, cfg[1])) open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'etc/apt/sources.list'), 'w').write(cfg[2]) open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'usr/sbin/policy-rc.d'), 'w').write("#!/bin/bash\nexit 101\n") do_setup('chmod a+x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d', # hack for Ubuntu Precise 'apt-get update', 'apt-get dist-upgrade --assume-yes', 'apt-get install --assume-yes %s' % pkg_list) elif distro['packaging_tool'] == 'yum': rinse = (arch == 'i386' and 'linux32 rinse' or 'rinse') rinse_distro, extra_repos = distro['rinse'] shell('%s --arch %s --distribution %s --directory %s' % (rinse, arch, rinse_distro, root_dir)) if arch == 'amd64': open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'etc/yum.conf'), 'a').write('exclude = *.i?86\n') if extra_repos: open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'etc/yum.repos.d/wkhtmltopdf.repo'), 'w').write(extra_repos) do_setup('yum clean all', 'yum update -y', 'yum install -y %s' % pkg_list) open('/etc/schroot/chroot.d/wkhtmltox', 'a').write(""" [wkhtmltox-%(alias)s] type=directory directory=%(dir)s description=%(title)s for wkhtmltox users=%(login)s root-users=root %(personality)s""" % { 'alias': alias, 'dir': root_dir, 'title': distro['title'], 'login': login, 'personality': (arch == 'i386' and 'personality=linux32\n' or '\n') }) def check_update_schroot(config): check_running_on_debian() if not get_chroot_list(): error('Unable to determine the list of available schroots.') def build_update_schroot(config, basedir): for name, distro in get_chroot_list().iteritems(): message('******************* %s\n' % name) tool = LINUX_SCHROOT_SETUP[distro]['packaging_tool'] if tool == 'apt': chroot_shell(name, 'apt-get update') chroot_shell(name, 'apt-get dist-upgrade --assume-yes') elif tool == 'yum': chroot_shell(name, 'yum update -y') def check_setup_mingw_w64(config): check_running_on_debian() def build_setup_mingw_w64(config, basedir): install_packages('build-essential', 'mingw-w64', 'nsis', 'perl', 'git', 'ruby', 'gperf', 'bison', 'flex') def check_source_tarball(config): if not get_output('git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'): error("This can only be run inside a git checkout.") if not exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'qt', '.git')): error("Please initialize and download the Qt submodule before running this.") def _filter_tar(info): name = info.name[1+info.name.index('/'):] if name.endswith('.git') or [p for p in EXCLUDE_SRC_TARBALL if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, p)]: return None info.uid = info.gid = 1000 info.uname = info.gname = 'wkhtmltopdf' return info def build_source_tarball(config, basedir): version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) root_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, '..')) os.chdir(os.path.join(root_dir, 'qt')) shell('git clean -fdx') shell('git reset --hard HEAD') os.chdir(root_dir) shell('git clean -fdx') shell('git reset --hard HEAD') shell('git submodule update') open('VERSION', 'w').write(version) with tarfile.open('wkhtmltox-%s.tar.bz2' % version, 'w:bz2') as tar: tar.add('.', 'wkhtmltox-%s/' % version, filter=_filter_tar) shell('git reset --hard HEAD') # --------------------------------------------------------------- MSVC (2013 only) MSVC_LOCATION = { 'msvc2013': 'VS120COMNTOOLS' } MSVC_RUNTIME = { 'msvc2013-win32': ('df7f0a73bfa077e483e51bfb97f5e2eceedfb6a3', 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/6/2E61CFA4-993B-4DD4-91DA-3737CD5CD6E3/vcredist_x86.exe'), 'msvc2013-win64': ('8bf41ba9eef02d30635a10433817dbb6886da5a2', 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/6/2E61CFA4-993B-4DD4-91DA-3737CD5CD6E3/vcredist_x64.exe') } def check_msvc(config): version, arch = rchop(config, '-dbg').split('-') env_var = MSVC_LOCATION[version] if not env_var in os.environ: error("%s does not seem to be installed." % version) vcdir = os.path.join(os.environ[env_var], '..', '..', 'VC') if not exists(os.path.join(vcdir, 'vcvarsall.bat')): error("%s: unable to find vcvarsall.bat" % version) if arch == 'win32' and not exists(os.path.join(vcdir, 'bin', 'cl.exe')): error("%s: unable to find the x86 compiler" % version) if arch == 'win64' and not exists(os.path.join(vcdir, 'bin', 'amd64', 'cl.exe')) \ and not exists(os.path.join(vcdir, 'bin', 'x86_amd64', 'cl.exe')): error("%s: unable to find the amd64 compiler" % version) perl = get_output('perl', '-V') if not perl or 'perl5' not in perl: error("perl does not seem to be installed.") nsis = get_registry_value(r'SOFTWARE\NSIS') if not nsis or not exists(os.path.join(nsis, 'makensis.exe')): error("NSIS does not seem to be installed.") def build_msvc(config, basedir): msvc, arch = rchop(config, '-dbg').split('-') vcdir = os.path.join(os.environ[MSVC_LOCATION[msvc]], '..', '..', 'VC') vcarg = 'x86' if arch == 'win64': if exists(os.path.join(vcdir, 'bin', 'amd64', 'cl.exe')): vcarg = 'amd64' else: vcarg = 'x86_amd64' python = sys.executable process = subprocess.Popen('("%s" %s>nul)&&"%s" -c "import os, sys; sys.stdout.write(repr(dict(os.environ)))"' % ( os.path.join(vcdir, 'vcvarsall.bat'), vcarg, python), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, _ = process.communicate() exitcode = process.wait() if exitcode != 0: error("%s: unable to initialize the environment" % msvc) os.environ.update(eval(stdout.strip())) version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) cflags = config.endswith('-dbg') and '/MDd /Zi' or '/MD' build_deplibs(config, basedir, cflags=cflags) sha1, url = MSVC_RUNTIME[rchop(config, '-dbg')] shutil.copy(download_file(url, sha1, basedir), os.path.join(basedir, config, 'vcredist.exe')) libdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'deplibs') qtdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'qt') mkdir_p(qtdir) configure_args = qt_config('msvc', '-I %s\\include' % libdir, '-L %s\\lib' % libdir, 'OPENSSL_LIBS="-L%s\\\\lib -lssleay32 -llibeay32 -lUser32 -lAdvapi32 -lGdi32 -lCrypt32"' % libdir.replace('\\', '\\\\')) build_qt(qtdir, 'nmake', '%s\\..\\qt\\configure.exe %s' % (basedir, configure_args)) appdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'app') mkdir_p(appdir) os.chdir(appdir) rmdir('bin') mkdir_p('bin') os.environ['WKHTMLTOX_VERSION'] = version shell('%s\\bin\\qmake %s\\..\\wkhtmltopdf.pro' % (qtdir, basedir)) shell('nmake') makensis = os.path.join(get_registry_value(r'SOFTWARE\NSIS'), 'makensis.exe') os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, '..')) shell('"%s" /DVERSION=%s /DSIMPLE_VERSION=%s /DTARGET=%s /DMSVC /DARCH=%s wkhtmltox.nsi' % \ (makensis, version, nsis_version(simple_version), config, arch)) # ------------------------------------------------ MinGW-W64 Cross Environment MINGW_W64_PREFIX = { 'mingw-w64-cross-win32' : 'i686-w64-mingw32', 'mingw-w64-cross-win64' : 'x86_64-w64-mingw32', } def check_mingw64_cross(config): shell('%s-gcc --version' % MINGW_W64_PREFIX[rchop(config, '-dbg')]) def build_mingw64_cross(config, basedir): version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) build_deplibs(config, basedir, mingw_w64=MINGW_W64_PREFIX.get(rchop(config, '-dbg'))) libdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'deplibs') qtdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'qt') configure_args = qt_config('mingw-w64-cross', '--prefix=%s' % qtdir, '-I%s/include' % libdir, '-L%s/lib' % libdir, '-device-option CROSS_COMPILE=%s-' % MINGW_W64_PREFIX[rchop(config, '-dbg')]) os.environ['OPENSSL_LIBS'] = '-lssl -lcrypto -L%s/lib -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lcrypt32' % libdir mkdir_p(qtdir) os.chdir(qtdir) build_qt(qtdir, 'make -j%d' % CPU_COUNT, '%s/../qt/configure %s' % (basedir, configure_args)) appdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'app') mkdir_p(appdir) os.chdir(appdir) shell('rm -f bin/*') # set up cross compiling prefix correctly os.environ['WKHTMLTOX_VERSION'] = version shell('%s/bin/qmake -set CROSS_COMPILE %s-' % (qtdir, MINGW_W64_PREFIX[rchop(config, '-dbg')])) shell('%s/bin/qmake -spec win32-g++-4.6 %s/../wkhtmltopdf.pro' % (qtdir, basedir)) shell('make') shutil.copy('bin/libwkhtmltox0.a', 'bin/wkhtmltox.lib') shell('rm -f bin/lib*.dll') for dll in ['libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll', 'libgcc_s_seh-1.dll', 'libstdc++-6.dll']: dll_path = get_output('dpkg', '-S', dll) if dll_path: for line in dll_path.split('\n'): loc = line[1+line.index(':'):].strip() if exists(loc) and MINGW_W64_PREFIX[rchop(config, '-dbg')] in loc and '-posix' not in loc: shell('cp %s bin/' % loc) os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, '..')) shell('makensis -DVERSION=%s -DSIMPLE_VERSION=%s -DTARGET=%s -DMINGW -DARCH=%s wkhtmltox.nsi' % \ (version, nsis_version(simple_version), config, rchop(config, '-dbg').split('-')[-1])) # -------------------------------------------------- Linux schroot environment def check_linux_schroot(config): chroot_shell(rchop(config, '-dbg'), 'gcc --version') def build_linux_schroot(config, basedir): os.chdir(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, '..'))) chroot_shell(rchop(config, '-dbg'), 'python scripts/build.py %s -chroot-build' % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, config)) shell('fpm %s' % fpm_params(config, version)) def chroot_build_linux_schroot(config, basedir): version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) qtdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'qt') mkdir_p(qtdir) build_qt(qtdir, 'make -j%d' % CPU_COUNT, '%s/../qt/configure %s' % (basedir, qt_config('posix', '--prefix=%s' % qtdir))) app = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'app') dist = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'dist') mkdir_p(app) mkdir_p(dist) os.chdir(app) shell('rm -f bin/*') os.environ['WKHTMLTOX_VERSION'] = version os.environ['XZ_OPT'] = '-9' shell('%s/bin/qmake %s/../wkhtmltopdf.pro' % (qtdir, basedir)) shell('make install INSTALL_ROOT=%s' % dist) def check_linux_generic(config): chroot_env = ('amd64' in config) and 'generic-amd64' or 'generic-i386' chroot_shell(chroot_env, 'gcc --version') def build_linux_generic(config, basedir): chroot_env = ('amd64' in config) and 'generic-amd64' or 'generic-i386' os.chdir(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, '..'))) chroot_shell(chroot_env, 'python scripts/build.py %s -chroot-build' % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, config)) shell('XZ_OPT=-9 tar Jcf ../%s-%s_%s.tar.xz wkhtmltox/' % (PROJECT_SETUP['name'], version, config)) def chroot_build_linux_generic(config, basedir): version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) build_deplibs(config, basedir) libdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'deplibs') qtdir = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'qt') mkdir_p(qtdir) configure_args = qt_config('posix', '--prefix=%s' % qtdir, '-I%s/include' % libdir, '-L%s/lib' % libdir, '-DOPENSSL_NO_SSL2') build_qt(qtdir, 'make -j%d' % CPU_COUNT, '%s/../qt/configure %s' % (basedir, configure_args)) app = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'app') dist = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'wkhtmltox') mkdir_p(app) rmdir(dist) mkdir_p(dist) os.chdir(app) shell('rm -f bin/*') os.environ['WKHTMLTOX_VERSION'] = version shell('%s/bin/qmake %s/../wkhtmltopdf.pro' % (qtdir, basedir)) shell('make install INSTALL_ROOT=%s' % dist) # -------------------------------------------------- POSIX local environment def check_posix_local(config): pass def build_posix_local(config, basedir): version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) app = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'app') qt = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'qt') dist = os.path.join(basedir, config, 'wkhtmltox-%s' % version) make = get_output('which', 'gmake') and 'gmake' or 'make' mkdir_p(qt) mkdir_p(app) rmdir(dist) mkdir_p(os.path.join(dist, 'bin')) mkdir_p(os.path.join(dist, 'include', 'wkhtmltox')) mkdir_p(os.path.join(dist, 'lib')) build_qt(qt, '%s -j%d' % (make, CPU_COUNT), '%s/../qt/configure %s' % (basedir, qt_config('posix', '--prefix=%s' % qt))) os.chdir(app) shell('rm -f bin/*') os.environ['WKHTMLTOX_VERSION'] = version shell('../qt/bin/qmake ../../../wkhtmltopdf.pro') shell('%s -j%d' % (make, CPU_COUNT)) shell('cp bin/wkhtmlto* ../wkhtmltox-%s/bin' % version) shell('cp -P bin/libwkhtmltox*.so.* ../wkhtmltox-%s/lib' % version) shell('cp ../../../include/wkhtmltox/*.h ../wkhtmltox-%s/include/wkhtmltox' % version) shell('cp ../../../include/wkhtmltox/dll*.inc ../wkhtmltox-%s/include/wkhtmltox' % version) os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, config)) shell('tar -c -v -f ../wkhtmltox-%s_local-%s.tar wkhtmltox-%s/' % (version, platform.node(), version)) shell('xz --compress --force --verbose -9 ../wkhtmltox-%s_local-%s.tar' % (version, platform.node())) # --------------------------------------------------------------- OS X OSXPKG_IDENTIFIER = 'org.wkhtmltopdf' OSXPKG_PREFIX = '/usr/local/share/wkhtmltox-installer' def check_osx(config): if not platform.system() == 'Darwin' or not platform.mac_ver()[0]: error('This can only be run on a OS X system!') if not get_output('xcode-select', '--print-path'): error('Xcode is not installed, aborting.') if not get_output('which', 'fpm'): error('Please install fpm by running "sudo gem install fpm --no-ri --no-rdoc"') def build_osx(config, basedir): version, simple_version = get_version(basedir) build_deplibs(config, basedir) osxver = platform.mac_ver()[0][:platform.mac_ver()[0].rindex('.')] framework = config.split('-')[1] if osxver == '10.6': osxcfg = '-%s -platform macx-g++42' % framework else: osxcfg = '-%s -platform unsupported/macx-clang' % framework flags = '' if framework == 'carbon' and osxver != '10.6': for item in ['CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']: flags += '"QMAKE_%s += %s" ' % (item, '-fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden') def get_dir(name): return os.path.join(basedir, config, name) configure_args = qt_config('osx', osxcfg, '--prefix=%s' % get_dir('qt'), '-I %s/include' % get_dir('deplibs'), '-L %s/lib' % get_dir('deplibs')) rmdir(get_dir('dist')) rmdir(get_dir('pkg')) mkdir_p(get_dir('qt')) mkdir_p(get_dir('app')) mkdir_p(get_dir('pkg')) build_qt(get_dir('qt'), 'make -j%d' % CPU_COUNT, '../../../qt/configure %s' % configure_args) os.chdir(get_dir('app')) shell('rm -f bin/*') os.environ['WKHTMLTOX_VERSION'] = version shell('../qt/bin/qmake %s ../../../wkhtmltopdf.pro' % flags) shell('make -j%d' % CPU_COUNT) if osxver not in ['10.6', '10.7']: for item in ['wkhtmltoimage', 'wkhtmltopdf', 'libwkhtmltox.%s.dylib' % simple_version]: shell(' '.join([ 'install_name_tool', '-change', '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText', '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/CoreText', 'bin/'+item])) shell('make install INSTALL_ROOT=%s' % get_dir('dist')) def _osx_tar(info): info.uid = info.gid = 0 info.uname = 'root' info.gname = 'wheel' return info # create tarball for application and copy xz os.chdir(get_dir('dist')) with tarfile.open('../pkg/app.tar', 'w') as tar: tar.add('.', './', filter=_osx_tar) xz = os.path.join(get_dir('deplibs'), 'bin', 'xz') shell('%s --compress --force --verbose -9 ../pkg/app.tar' % xz) shutil.copy(xz, '../pkg/') with open('../pkg/uninstall-wkhtmltox', 'w') as f: os.chmod('../pkg/uninstall-wkhtmltox', 0o755) f.write("""#!/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as sudo uninstall-wkhtmltox" 1>&2 exit 1 fi cd /usr/local if which pkgutil >/dev/null; then pkgutil --forget %s.%s fi """ % (OSXPKG_IDENTIFIER, PROJECT_SETUP['name'])) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(get_dir('dist')): for file in files: f.write('echo REMOVE /usr/local/%(name)s && rm -f %(name)s\n' % { 'name': os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file)) }) f.write('echo REMOVE /usr/local/include/wkhtmltox && rm -df /usr/local/include/wkhtmltox\n') f.write('echo REMOVE /usr/local/bin/uninstall-wkhtmltox && rm -f /usr/local/bin/uninstall-wkhtmltox') open('../extract.sh', 'w').write("""#!/bin/bash TGTDIR=/usr/local BASEDIR=%s cd $BASEDIR ./xz --decompress app.tar.xz cd $TGTDIR tar oxf $BASEDIR/app.tar mv $BASEDIR/uninstall-wkhtmltox $TGTDIR/bin rm -fr $BASEDIR """ % OSXPKG_PREFIX) os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, config)) fpm_args = '--force --prefix %s --category utils -s dir -C pkg' % OSXPKG_PREFIX for key in PROJECT_SETUP: fpm_args += ' --%s "%s"' % (key, PROJECT_SETUP[key]) fpm_args += ' --osxpkg-identifier-prefix "%s" --version "%s"' % (OSXPKG_IDENTIFIER, version) fpm_args += ' -t osxpkg --package ../%s-%s_%s.pkg' % (PROJECT_SETUP['name'], version, config) fpm_args += ' --after-install extract.sh .' shell('fpm %s' % fpm_args) # --------------------------------------------------------------- command line def usage(exit_code=2): message("Usage: scripts/build.py [-clean] [-debug]\n\nThe supported targets are:\n") opts = list(BUILDERS.keys()) opts.sort() for opt in opts: message('* %s\n' % opt) sys.exit(exit_code) def main(): rootdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..')) basedir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'static-build') if len(sys.argv) == 1: usage(0) config = sys.argv[1] if config not in BUILDERS: usage() for arg in sys.argv[2:]: if not arg in ['-clean', '-debug', '-chroot-build']: usage() final_config = config if '-debug' in sys.argv[2:]: final_config += '-dbg' QT_CONFIG['common'].extend(['remove:-release', 'remove:-webkit', '-debug', '-webkit-debug']) if '-clean' in sys.argv[2:]: rmdir(os.path.join(basedir, final_config)) os.chdir(rootdir) if '-chroot-build' in sys.argv[2:]: globals()['chroot_build_%s' % BUILDERS[config]](final_config, basedir) return globals()['check_%s' % BUILDERS[config]](final_config) globals()['build_%s' % BUILDERS[config]](final_config, basedir) if __name__ == '__main__': main()